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positioning adjustments中文

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  • Linked inputs allow for a single synchronized start position adjustment
  • If the cost of purchasing the options in " the strategy " exceed the amount which " the strategy " has to notionally purchase such options , the notional amount on the options will be scaled down by a factor , known as position adjustment factor
  • If the cost of purchasing the options in " the strategy " exceed the amount which " the strategy " has to notionally purchase such options , the notional amount on the options will be scaled down by a factor , known as position adjustment factor
    如果《策略》中的購買項目的總金額超過了《策略》規定的名義采購項目的總金額,就要將項目的名義總額乘以一個比例縮減因數,該因數被稱為“情況調整因數” 。
  • Through elimination of the last one , position adjustment , salary adjustment can organize goal change each worker own need , combine the interests of enterprises with worker ' s personal need ingeniously , make people work hard actively , voluntarily
  • This thesis focuses on the ingress process module of ctu , which translates c - 5 dcp format to rainier 4gs3 . the specification analysis , architecture and logic design , functional simulation testbench design , synthesis report and testing result are discussed in this thesis . the research work mainly includes : the specification analysis and design requirements of ctu logic ; the architecture and logical design of ingress process module , which includes receive control fsm , send control fsm and cell position adjustment logic ; the performance improvement of ingress process module to receive and transmit data cell at the full line speed
    本論文的主要研究工作包括:通信協議轉換邏輯的功能分析和設計需求;通信協議轉換邏輯上行方向的系統分析及體系結構設計,包括上行接收狀態機、發送狀態機、信元內字節位置調整機制等的設計;通信協議轉換邏輯上行方向的線速設計,主要是上行接收的線速設計,要使用流水設計技術;提出了高速實現roundrobin調度策略的實現方法,并設計實現了桶式移位器和優先級編碼電路;應用bfm仿真模型設計了上行處理各模塊的仿真testbench ,完成了各級模塊的模塊仿真和系統集成仿真。
  • Special features for copying inputting originals auto paper select , auto scaling select , vertical horizontal independent anemographic magnification , final scale adjustment , copy density adjustment 7 degrees , scan start position adjustment , and copy position adjustment , top bottom bottom margin setting , mirror image , trimming , negative positive inversion , header , reference input , rotate image , sharpness , contrast , additional copy , scanning speed change
  • The article thinks : in term of expecting the theory in the performance goal - setting link , put forward goal should concrete , degree of difficulty proper , what staff accept principle and view ; in performance manage implement link should go on constant performance link up ; in performance assess link disappearance and fairness issue of degree research to come assessing separately , comprehension and fairness that should guarantee to be assessed ; in encourage link understand staffs behavior from elimination of the last one , position adjustment and the salary adjustment
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